Cancer Prevention ⬅ Because nuts, especially pistachios, contain pistachio shell large amounts of a variety of antioxidants, they are effective in preventing cancer and slowing its progression.
🔲 Strengthen the eyes Due to the presence of saxanthin and lutein in the ingredients, pistachios help maintain eye health and play a major role in the treatment of cataracts and macular degeneration (which occurs with age).
🔲 Regulation of cholesterol and blood pressure ⬅ Despite the potassium in pistachios, do not worry about your blood pressure because it regulates blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels.
🔲 Treatment of anemia ⬅ Pistachios, with their significant amount of iron and copper, help the body make blood and increase hemoglobin levels, and our advice to people with anemia is to eat a few pistachios every day.
وزن Weight control ⬅ If you are on a diet and are worried about gaining weight to eat a variety of foods, we must give you the good news that pistachios with very low calories, useful fats and high protein will not cause weight gain at all. It is a good option to maintain your energy during the diet.
🔲 Strengthen sexual power ⬅ Daily consumption of 100 grams of pistachios, in about three weeks, increases sexual power by about 50%.
🔲 Regulation of blood sugar and control of diabetes ⬅ Pistachios, due to their high antioxidant content, help lower blood glucose or (blood sugar level) and thus ensure the control of diabetes.
🔲 Strengthens the nerves, psyche and nervous system ⬅ Pistachio contains a lot of vitamin B6 (B6) and these vitamins make essential amino acids, which is why we say that nuts play a very important role in strengthening the nervous system. They have bodies.